Helpful Links
Behavior & Wellness:
The American Heartworm Society
Association of Pet Dog Trainers
AVMA Animal Health
Boehringer Ingelheim
Companion Animal Parasite Council
Dogs & Ticks
Dumb Friends League
FDA.Gov Pet Health Care
Healthy Cats for Life
Healthy Pet (AAHA)
Indoor Pet Initiative / Cats
Indoor Pet Initiative / Dogs
Indoor Pet Initiative / Puppy Prep School
KNOW Heartworms
My Cat Has Diabetes
Owner’s Guide to Healthy Weight
Pet Fit
Pet Obesity Prevention
Veterinary Partner
Your Dog’s Heart
Emergency Akron Veterinary Center
Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital
Pet Poison Helpline
Pet Insurance:
Embrace Pet Insurance
Pet Selection Counseling:
Dog Breed Selector
Local Rescue Groups:
Canine Lifeline
The American Kennel Club
American Veterinary Medical Assoc.
Ohio Veterinary Medical Assoc.
Pet Bond & Grievance Support:
Honoring the Bond